Friday, March 30, 2007

Five Steps to a better life

I'm offering my highly successful 5 Step Course free to anyone who asks for it between now and the end of April.

All you need to do is email me at and put 5 STEPS in the subject.

I don't know about you, but once the clocks have gone forwards and the evenings are lighter, I start to feel like making some changes in my life. We've all been hibernating through the winter and plodding through the early part of 2007 - well! WAKE UP!! Three months have already gone in this year but there are 9 still left. And like a flower bulb, you've been resting and waiting to blossom - now is your time. Like a beautiful and fragrant hyacinth, step out into the sunshine and dazzle us all with your beauty.

My 5 STEP course will give you the motivation you need and provide a structure for you to start thinking about clearing out the deadwood and to take steps to make way for a more positive and powerful you.

So what are you waiting for? Email me today!

have a great weekend,

Sarah xx

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Give it away!!

One of the most memorable things I have learned on my journey of self development is about our ability to give it away. By that I mean often to break a cycle of lack or longing we need to learn to give away in order to start receiving.

Once, when i was feeling financially poor, I read an idea that really intrigued me. It was to take out the phone book, pick a person and address at random and to post that person, anonymously, a £10 note. I instantly LOVED this idea and although I could have used that tenner I went through with the idea. I then sat back and imagined how wonderful, surprised and special the receiver would feel, how they would tell their friends, laugh about it, spend it on something needed or something frivolous. Maybe they would even be inspired to do something similar themselves, to give it away in some way.

A week after I did this I got a promotion at work and my money worries eased. Were the two connected? Who knows! I like to think so!

When we have a poverty/ lack mentality, we cling to what we do have, focus on the lack and in doing so miss opportunities for growth, change and success. By giving it away and trusting that the universe will reciprocate in some way we become stronger, bigger and more in the world than we were before. Whatever happens its a win win situation.

In the spirit of giving it away, i am going to give away 2 places on my next women only telephone workshop (all the details are in the previous post). If you want to be in the running for this wonderful gift (because the session is going to give you something wonderful, I promise you!) then email me at by 5pm on Monday 26th March and I'll pick two people at random. There are several other women already booked on and ready to take part and it would be great to have you join us.

And who knows, if you're lucky, maybe you can think of something that you can give away...and then watch what happens!

have a great day!